Amateur Radio Station N4EKV
QSL Info

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QSL Card

N4EKV asnwers QSL cards on a best-effort basis.  As of Jan 2013 I'm seriously backlogged on returning cards.
If you want to send me a QSL you have several choices for delivery:

ARRL Buro:
I maintain envelopes at the N4 bureau and respond on rare occasions.
Outgoing cards last sent: Mar 2005.
Last upload: May 11, 2005.

Anti-spam measures prevent making this address clickable

Logbook of the World (LoTW):

After my August 11, 2008 upload:
N4EKV has: 3,761 QSO records, 539 QSL records (14.3% QSL'd) 
Awards earned: DXCC (mixed)
LoTW has:
179,412,246 QSO records have been entered into the system.
14,520,267  QSL records have resulted.
21,661	    Users are registered in the system
33,095	    Certificates are active
655,530	    User files have been processed

After my March 21, 2008 upload:
N4EKV has: 3,692 QSO records, 506 QSL records (13.7% QSL'd)
LoTW has:
163,309,482 QSO records have been entered into the system.
12,602,991  QSL records have resulted.
19,730	    Users are registered in the system
30,069	    Certificates are active
555,183	    User files have been processed

After my July 14, 2005 upload:
N4EKV has: 3,333 QSO records, 332 QSL records (9.9% QSL'd)
LoTW has:
75,362,501 QSO records have been entered into the system.
3,498,574  QSL ecords have resulted.
10,017	   Users are registered in the system
15,100	   Certificates are active
132,210	   User files have been processed

After my May 11, 2005 upload: 
N4EKV has:
3,228 QSO records, 308 QSL records, (9.5% QSL'd)
LoTW has:
72,064,345 QSO records have been entered into the system.
3,260,802  QSL records have resulted.
9,719	   Users are registered in the system
14,622	   Certificates are active
121,086	   User files have been processed